Prediction League Halifax Update
The Prediction League Table has been updated following the Bulls 1-1 draw at the Shay.
From our 131 Competitors we had 106 predictions, 30% went for a win, 41% felt that we’d continue our bad run of form, but the remainder correctly predicted that the result would be a draw.
Of the 31 who predicted a draw, 21 of them gained the maximum 5 points for correctly predicting a 1-1 draw. The remaining 10 who predicted a draw managed to pick up 4 points each, 3 for predicting the correct result & a bonus point for getting the correct margin (nil).
26 further bonus points were awarded to competitors who predicted the correct number of HUFC goals, it was impossible to achieve an inverse score-line.
The September points leader is currently fsqatech who has achieved 14 points so far from the 4 games this month, this competitor leads the way from Barney Rubble who is in second place for the month and 2 points behind with just 2 games left before the month’s end, the final game of the month being a double points round.
Barney Rubble has also closed the gap on long term leader Beanser to just 4 points. To view how you’re doing after today’s game, click the prediction league tab at the top of the page & click on the table and then open it to view it.
Let us know how you’re getting on & give us a shout out on any of the following mediums;
Twitter: @HUSTPredictions, Facebook: HUST Prediction League, or on either the Bulls Banter or the Meadow End Forums.
Thanks for competing, James is looking forward to receiving your Lincoln Predictions whereby the deadline for predictions is on Tuesday at 7.45pm. As always email with your username & prediction.