HUST Welcomes Twyford Spartans

Swelling the match attendance to over 3,000 against Tiverton were 25 players from the Twyford Spartans Ability Counts team who travelled up from Tiverton.

HUST chairman, Richard Tomkins, met them at the Richmond Place Club (see picture). Jeff Rawlings, Twyford’s Lead Coach, explained they had played three matches at The Point 4 that morning against Hereford MIND teams. The Spartans gave a good account of themselves with results of 3-0, 0-0 and 2-2. Jeff said “We’d like to thank everybody in Hereford who have looked after us so well. Our players will talk about this day out for a long time”.

The visitors went on to Edgar Street in the afternoon. Richard Tomkins says “It’s great to welcome visitors to Edgar Street. It always makes for a good atmosphere. The Spartans’ visit reinforces the true community spirit we have at HFC these days.”