Hereford United Supporters Trust 2023 AGM – Held Via Online Vote
As previously advised, following the adjourned AGM meeting in November, members were offered the chance to vote for the AGM resolutions online. Members have duly voted. The results are shown below.
We are pleased to note that all resolutions were approved, and Gerry Harrison has been affirmed as an additional HUST board member.
One member objected to the online method, and we have taken those views into account. The turnout was well in excess of the necessary quorum and there is a precedent for an online vote previously. In our opinion, therefore, this constitutes a valid result, and the AGM is now closed.

HUST delegates attended the Hereford FC AGM this month. We’re still looking at what additional information we may be allowed to advise you in our own HUST members briefing.