Fans Team Take On Walsall Legends This Sunday

The HUST Fans Team will take on their Walsall counterparts on Sunday at Old School Lane, kick off 2pm.

The HUST membership table will also be in attendance in the bar, with renewals and new memberships available along with a range of merchandise.

Coach bookings for the trip to Kidderminster can also be made at the table.



Steve Guinan, Tyler Weir, Cory Williams, Matt Gardiner, Scott Goodwin, Andy Reece, and Mark Taylor are all expected to appear with a possibility of one or two more familiar faces alongside a number of former Walsall players plus supporters of both teams.

Entry is £2 for Adults and £1 for kids.


HUST have ordered some beanie hats with the HUST logo for the winter months, in both Black and White, and these should be available to order shortly. HUST branded mugs are also in the pipeline and should be available before Christmas.