Election Update

Your Election Management Group is working hard to organise the forthcoming elections and would like to provide members with an update on progress.
The EMG has been provided with the current SD Model Election Policy which  will be used for the for the election process and which is available to all members upon request. The EMG has presented to the Board an election timetable, as follows:
w/c 30 Nov          Nominations open
w/c 11 Jan             Nominations close
w/c 25 Jan             Ballot papers sent
w/c 8 Feb               Voting closes
w/c 15 Feb             EGM and results
Exact dates for the timetable will be confirmed shortly.
The timetable seeks to strike a balance between the real and urgent need for HUST to get back to business, and the equally important need that each and every HUST member should be provided with the information and time required to reach a decision about whether they would like to stand for election to the HUST board, and which candidates they feel  deserve their support.

Any person who held adult membership of the trust on the date of this year’s AGM (17th September 2015), will be eligible, to vote, to nominate candidates or to stand for election. Trust membership runs from AGM to AGM so if you joined the trust as an adult member, or renewed your adult membership of the trust at any time between the 2014 AGM and the 2015 AGM you will be eligible to participate in the election.  If any member would like to confirm their eligibility to participate in the election please contact the EMG who will be happy to assist – hustelections@gmail.com

Formal notice of the election will be sent to all members shortly. 
In order to keep costs down the EMG would like where possible to communicate with members by email.  We are currently in the process of setting up an email group for  members. If you have provided HUST with an email address you should either be added to the HUST EMG Group or invited to join it.   If the latter then please accept this as soon as possible to allow us to communicate directly with you.   If you and and another HUST member are sharing an email address then we will need a unique email address for each member.