Election Update – Candidate Information Pack Now Available

An information pack for Trust members interested in standing for election to the Trust Board is now available.

It can be downloaded here:

HUST Candidate Pack 2015/2016

If you would like stand for election as a HUST board member you will find the nomination form included in the pack. However, the EMG urge you to read the pack in full as it will explain a little about the purpose of the Trust, what might be expected of you should you be elected, the rules of the election process and of course, what you need to do to be nominated.

If you have any queries around this pack please do not hesitate to contact the HUST Election Management Group: hustelections@gmail.com

Complaints or concerns relating to the election process may be directed to the independent chairman of the EMG Niel Le Milliere: neil_le_milliere@btinternet.com

We thank you for your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

HUST Candidate Pack 2015/2016