Spot The Ball – Coupon 3 – OUT NOW!
The winning grid squares of the first two ‘Spot the Ball’ coupons are shown below, as selected by the former Hereford player Gareth Davies.
How close were you?
The competition runs on with the 3rd coupon now published so you can use your skill, judgement and knowledge to decide where the centre of the ball is.
It’s easy to enter via the HUST website, with an estimated prize of £50 going to the winner, just click on the ‘Spot the Ball’ button, and you can enter as many selections as you wish at £1 per square.
Alternatively, if you prefer to play by post then please send your selections and contact details together with a cheque for £1 per square made payable to HUST and send it to; HUST ‘Spot the Ball’, c/o UITC office, Blackfriars Street, Hereford, HR4 9JU.
(click to enlarge)
Coupon Number 3 features Joel Edwards in action for the Bulls against AFC Totton with the competition running until Saturday, 17th June.