The Hereford United Supporters Trust has over 400 members.
By becoming a member you will:
Have a greater say in the running of Hereford FC.
The Trust has 3 members on the board of Hereford FC, one of whom acts as a conduit for Trust members raising any matters of concern or comments on the running of the club with the other directors. Members of the Trust, that are over 16 years of age, will be entitled to vote at Annual General Meetings of the Trust, and participate in the election process. Such members will also have the opportunity to have a say on major issues affecting the Club.
Increase the proportion of the club owned by fans
Under Hereford FC’s Articles of Association, the Trust can own up to 50% of the shares in the club. By becoming a member and by participating in the Trust’s fundraising activities, or making a donation, you will be helping to reach that target which when achieved will strengthen the influence of Trust members on The Hereford FC Board.
Support Football Development in your Community
From time to time the Trust makes donations or offers other non-financial support to footballing organisations in Hereford and the wider community. For example in 2015 the Trust sponsored the kit of the United in the Community under 18 squad.
Safeguard the continuance of professional football at Edgar Street
Edgar Street is the spiritual home of Football in Hereford. In October 2013, the Hereford United Supporters Trust made an application to Herefordshire Council to list Edgar Street Athletic Ground as an Asset of Community Value under the Localism Act of 2011. Herefordshire Council accepted the application in December 2013, meaning the ground is now listed until December 2018. In addition to safeguarding the ground through the ACV by becoming a member you will also be demonstrating your commitment to maintaining Edgar Street as the home of professional football in Hereford and ensuring, through the Trust purchasing shares in the club, that funds are available for the upkeep and improvement of the stadium that will in turn lead to the improved terms and conditions in the lease granted by the Council.
Help in the drive to achieve Football League status
The aim of the club is to achieve Football League status but to do so in a sustainable way. By joining the Trust you will have a direct input to achieving this aim by ensuring, through the Trust’s Board and those members on the Board of Hereford FC, that any available funds are expended responsibly. The greater the number of fans who join the Supporter’s Trust then the greater is the authority of the Trust Board and its influence in the decision making of the Hereford FC Board.
There are three categories of Trust membership:
Full membership (cost £10 per annum) open to anybody over 16 years of age. (Download form here). The updated Standing Order Form can be found here. Or join online here
Junior membership (cost £1 per annum) open to anyone under 16 years of age. Junior membership entitles entry to Hereford FC league matches for just £1 (normally £2) and a 20% discount on the regular ‘Edgar’s Soccer Schools’ run by UITC. (Download form here)
Corporate membership (cost £50 per annum). Corporate Members are able to advertise on our website along with other advantages. To find out more take a look at the Corporate Membership page.
Join HUST today!
By completing this application form and becoming a member, you agree to be bound by the rules of Hereford United Supporters’ Society Limited which are available on this website. Information you provide will be used to administer your membership of HUST. More information about how we use your data is available in our Privacy Notice