HUST 2017 AGM Summary
The AGM was held on Thursday 12 October in the Hereford Suite. Here is a summary of proceedings.
Chairman, Richard Tomkins reported on the year’s activities.
- Hereford supporters have taken their place once again in the football family.
We are members of Supporters Direct (SD) which represents fans.
- The HFC ownership model represents a unique variation on the community ownership model. The HUST board is committed to doing all in its power to make it succeed.
- The new board has set about putting a Supporters Trust in place for the long term. HUST’s perception, from some quarters as still being a protest group, has been changed. The Supporters Trust is moving from perceived opposition to influence.
- We are building a network of fans now working hard to develop new funding sources. These funding sources have been used to drive the ongoing purchase of Trust shares in HFC. A significant milestone was reached when HUST acquired 100,000 shares in HFC. The gate is open for further shares purchase aiming to match privately held shares of 289,000 by 31st March 2020.
- The re-development of the Blackfriars Street end of the ground is a large-scale project that now appears to be gaining momentum. HUST offers itself as the supporters’ voice for this programme of works.
Elections took place resulting in a 7-strong board of elected Trustees: Russell Cheasley, Craig Goodall, Mike Langford, Richard Morgan, Joanie Roberts, Tony Taylor and Richard Tomkins.
Membership Secretary, Peter Davies reported that membership is steady at 469 members. This compares well to some Championship and Premier League trusts.
Treasurer, Tony Taylor reported on Finances. Due to the excellent support for the 50/50 match day draw and other fund-raising activities, a further £10,000 in supporter shares was purchased on the night. This continues the equity stream into the club and HUST now holds 120,000 shares in our football club.
Governance Director, Craig Goodall introduced Resolutions and Rule Changes. These were debated and HFC Articles of Association proposals will be canvassed from the full membership. The proposals by Graham Johnson will be circulated to members concerning parity in numbers of HUST directors on the football club board with other board members; and firming up on keeping our club at Edgar Street.
Presentations were made on performance measures for the Trust and results of the Fans Survey. The first meeting of the new Trust Board will make Officer appointments for the upcoming year, review the AGM and progress its matters arising.
[Photos courtesy of Andy Walkden]