Design the Trust crests and WIN!

Hereford United Supporters Trust would like supporters to get involved in designing two new crests for the Trust.

We plan to have a Children’s crest and an Adults crest, which will be used in various parts of the website and on a soon-to-be launched range of merchandise.


The winner of each category will win

*Free trust membership for one year

*A hoodie featuring your winning design embroidered on the front


The winner will be announced – together with presentation of the hoodie – at the Trust Launch event at the end of July. The Trust woring group will judge the entries and select the two winners.

We would love everyone to get involved in this competition including schools, clubs, societies, friends, family and next door neighbours. Feel free to enter both the children’s and adults competition.


Send your entries to – closing date for entries is Friday 5th July

Good luck!